Late collection
Kiddywinks will make a charge of £15 plus currently hourly rate every time a parent is late collecting their child at Kiddywinks if we haven’t been notified. These charges are at the managers discretion.
Our staff numbers are decided by the amount of children we are responsible for each day, this means that for every member of staff we are only allowed by law to have a certain number of children in the nursery. If a parent or guardian is late to collect a child or leaves their child earlier than expected our staffing ratios will be affected and we will need to provide extra staff.
It is for this reason that we have to charge parents or guardians when they are late collecting their children or early dropping them off.
We do however accept that from time to time a situation may arise that are out of the parents/guardians control, we are happy to offer assistance when this happens but require a telephone call or some other communication.