Sun Cream Policy
At Kiddywinks we provide a good quality minimum factor 50 sun cream with 4 stars
As it gets hotter the children in the garden must be wearing a hat and sun cream. On hot days sun cream must be applied as soon as the children go outside in the morning. The staff in the garden must monitor the children during the morning and reapply frequently. All children must have sun cream reapplied after lunch and again monitored by garden staff during the afternoon.
The sun cream chart must be filled out every time sun cream is applied. You must write the child’s name, time the cream went on and by whom.
It is the outside staff’s responsibility to put sun cream on the children, also to pass on information regarding to all other staff members.
A child not having sun cream on is unacceptable and if this happens disciplinary action against members of staff will be taken.
Bare shoulders.
At Kiddywinks we will not allow children to be outside with clothing with shoestring tops/dresses. If shoulders aren’t sufficiently covered, we will make sure that the children have a loose-fitting top over these areas. This includes when using the paddling pool.