Summer Is Here !

Hello all ! What an amazing few weeks we have had ! We have been builders , adventurers , marine biologists, chefs, zoo keepers , cavemen and much much more !
The children have been really enjoying playing in our mud pie kitchen we have some budding chefs in the making i think. Children have come up with their own recopies we have had pies, cakes, pasties , pudding and a "super duper wooper chocolate fantastico surprise " ( I had to write down that name as I kept getting it wrong, all the children found it highly amusing)

We are very fortunate that our staff have amazing imagination as some small worlds have been created for the children to explore and discover. We have had a jungle land with our play dough with many different resources for children to create their own jungle scenes, monkeys and i think there might have even been jungle monster.
We have been deep sea diving in the ocean and children loved learning about the different fish.We were true marine biologists .

We have been working hard in our fixing station located in the snug, we had a broken down air dehumidifier which the children took grate delight in taking apart to see all the wires, nuts and bolts we used real tools to, like a hammer, screw drivers and torches. The children were amazingly safe telling the adults all the rules you have for when you are using "REAL" tools .

W have been going on our weekly walks on Fridays this week we took the tweenies to the park which they loved. Lots of climbing, crawling , walking, jumping , hoping and sliding, so many new movements learnt. We have had even more movements happen in the garden children were doing all about physical exercise in 3,4,5 time we made an assault course for children to use lots of large and small movements, helping our fiends and working together to tidy up and create their own obstacle course.

Lots of building work and construction from small pieces in play dough to larger construction using the real bricks and cement. We have been working on our den also the children enjoyed breaking down some large branches and i have been teaching them how to weave and make things water tight so that the rain cant get in, we talked about how the cavemen must have lived in caves and huts just like the one we are building which has sparked all sorts of marvellous imagination, we had to get out the dinosaur and go hunting but we had three very small ones which were, so the children say , "too cute " so had to be pets. Lovely creativity in the and around the whole nursery.
Our vegetable patch has been turned over and we have managed to grow carrots and potatoes which we used in a gorgeous cottage pie. We are still looking for a kiddywinks Nanny or Grandad to take over our vegetable patch and show the children all the passion you can get from growing your own produce. If you know anyone who might be interested please get in touch.

We have had a bit of a sad few weeks as it draws closer to September we are starting to say goodbye to all of our school leavers some who have been with us since they were under 1. So i would like to wish all of them a fantastic summer , goodbye and thank you for being full of fun and imagination you are all part of our kiddywinks family and always will be. Come and Visit soon!